STEP 1: Watch this Video 👇

STEP 2: If you like what you hear in the video, tap the button below to apply with us by scheduling a call

"Nothing makes me happier than seeing my clients succeed"

This is WHY I am so passionate about what I do...

“I actually feel GOOD about myself now” - Rachel

"This program has changed everything for me. The meal plan was fantastic! I've never had such delicious meals on a diet plan in my life" - Meghann

“I love that the plan is manageable, it’s realistic. You’re not eating less… nobody wants to do that!” - Elisha

Amy’s approach to food and health was instantly transformed. Her between meal cravings were curbed and she was given tools to navigate the “food anxiety” that comes with social occasions. 
See how Megan of the AP-Elite Family went was UNSTOPPABLE in achieving her health and wellness goals shredding 30 pounds in just 12 weeks.
Dr Ann McAlpine from Holland, Michigan, speaks about her incredible progress following AP-Elites program
Here’s how we helped Elaine overcome her skepticism and personal challenges – and she still loves a great breakfast. 

"So... Why are you not one of these success stories?"


Problem #1

The fitness industry is saturated with programs, apps and coaches that are all trying to make as much money as possible, doing very little. It’s the times of automation's, apps and algorithms and therefore human interaction is at a minimum and generic, cookie cutter programs designed for the masses are at a maximum. This means that you are most certainly NOT getting the one-on-one attention, motivation and accountability you actually need to convert your efforts to long term results.

👉 Quantity over Quality 👈


Problem #2

Toxic periodic diet culture has seen everyone signing up for the most restrictive and extreme methods of dieting. Now, even though nobody can deny the short-term effects of these approaches, they ALL miss the key element of SUSTAINABILITY. It’s all about how much you can transform in the shortest space of time. But these results are short lived, because nobody can live by these restrictive methods and still enjoy life every day.



Problem #3

EXERCISE: With all the workout classes, YouTube channels and app subscriptions out there, the industry is filled with "supposedly" relevant content. But how can they possibly know what the best approach is for you, your body and your goals? There is SO MUCH MORE to effective movement strategies than just building up a sweat for 30-40 minutes a day.


Problem #4

Motivation and accountability means creating new habits around nutrition and training. That isn’t easy. This is why having a dedicated coach to mentor you through your challenges is the ultimate key to your success. When the industry is filled with low quality, generic approaches, human interaction is at a minimum and the truth is, you just don’t get the real support you need.

We get it! And we have the solution because we understand the problems!

"Don't take my word for it, watch this NOW!"

"So... Why are you not one of these success stories?"

Yes, But... How?

EXACTLY how we COMPLETELY Transform Your Body & Mind!


Determining your why: Before starting anything, you need to clearly understand why you want to begin in the first place. Understanding your goals is one thing. But figuring out why you want to achieve something is far more powerful. Losing weight, toning, increasing muscle mass, living a more healthy life, feeling happier; stronger and more assertive; these are all goals. Increasing self-esteem, having the confidence to take your shirt off at the pool, being stronger and more capable of living an active life, for and with, your kids, being healthier will increase your lifespan – and time – with your kids and ultimately, bring you more long-term rewards. These are all the “whys” behind the goals you decide to set and ultimately where your motivation is going to come from.

Okay, nice idea, right? But how do you get that information from me?

As Emotion and context are often missed in writing, rather than interacting one-on-one, I prefer to have an actual conversation with you on a call. This way, you and I can also establish whether the service I offer will actually be any good to you or not. I am only interested in creating win-win relationships. I am do not want to take any money from you before you and I decide that this will work for you.

So, are you ready for this conversation yet?


Once we have figured out what it is you want to do and agreed that I can help you achieve that, we get to the actual game plan. Because this is a hyper-custom approach to coaching, there are a few things we need to establish before we can start coming up with a plan for you:

  • What foods/meals do you enjoy eating in the week and on weekends?
  • What foods do you not eat?
  • What is your current lifestyle, so that we can determine the right balance between variety of food, convenience and the cost-effectiveness of your meal plan?
  • Do you have any treats, sweets or must haves – so that we can make sure you continue to enjoy your life and don’t feel like a prisoner to your diet?
  • What sorts of exercise do you enjoy doing?
  • What is your current accessibility to equipment? Gyms are not required but we need to fully understand what you have available to work out with, so that we can design the most effective workout for you and your current situation.
  • How many minutes per-day and how many days per week are you realistically able to work out?


Bringing all the information together from steps 1 and 2, we start the design of your programs. This is a process that is undertaken by no fewer than three people; including nutrition specialists, movement specialists and success coaches, to ensure that every detail is taken into account, to formulate the best plan for your body, lifestyle and goals.


Implementation, measurement, adjustment, motivation and accountability:

Through one-on-one unlimited interaction with me and your success coach, you have DAILY support from people who have been through their own health and fitness journeys. This is why we are in the perfect position to mentor you through any challenges during your journey. In addition to mentoring, we are able to closely monitor your progress and make any adjustments to your programs through WEEKLY video check ins. I never want you hitting any walls or plateaus, and if something is not working for you, we make swift adjustments to make sure that you are always moving towards your goals.


To prevent you from getting bored, and so that we can ensure ongoing progress, every four weeks, your meal plan and workout programs change. These changes are based on your feedback, so that we can expand on the things that are working for you and pivot from the things that are not.

Due to this level of customization and personal one-on-one attention you get, we give you the best chance you have at achieving your goals in the most enjoyable way possible.


NOTE: the above approach does require a lot of time and attention from me and our supporting coaches. Because of this, we are very selective about who we work with. If you believe that you’re ready and committed to achieving your goals, click “Apply now” below.

If your application is not accepted, or if we have reached the maximum capacity for clients this month, we will notify you immediately and allow you the opportunity to re-apply.

See what my current clients have to say:

Ready to be our next success story?

With our help, she realized that all it took was a simple mindset change to put her on the path to success.

See how Megan of the AP-Elite Family went was UNSTOPPABLE in achieving her health and wellness goals shredding 30 pounds in just 12 weeks.

"The possibilities are endless on this program - all the motivation, guidance and encouragement you need" - Abby

“I actually feel GOOD about myself now” - Rachel

“Now I can keep up and run though the sprinklers with my children” - Jennifer

“I love that the plan is manageable, it’s realistic. You’re not eating less… nobody wants to do that!” - Elisha

"This program has changed everything for me. The meal plan was fantastic! I've never had such delicious meals on a diet plan in my life"

Dr Ann McAlpine from Holland, Michigan, speaks about her incredible progress following AP-Elites program

"The program taught me so much. The biggest change was the eating plan. No one had ever taught me how to work out or eat healthily" - Rachel

Amy’s approach to food and health was instantly transformed. Her between meal cravings were curbed and she was given tools to navigate the “food anxiety” that comes with social occasions.

“Like so many people last year, Covid had me feeling like I was losing control over everything. I was losing my job, housing, relationships – and my health along with it. Even though I was not particularly overweight, I desperately wanted to take back some control from a thief of a year!"

Here’s how we helped Elaine overcome her skepticism and personal challenges – and she still loves a great breakfast.

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DISCLAIMER: Please understand results are not typical. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as taking regular and consistent effort and action.